[Agnes Sands] at Mount Pleasant Indian School
[Agnes] W. Wilcox
[Alex Hadwayoch] and [John Radahiqwon], and [Moses B. Hadiaaqosh]
[Beeird Bshcewauosh]
[Betsy Fox]
[Dane D. Land]
[Jorch Tagayonine]
[Moses B. Hadiaaqosh]
[W. K. Faster]
[William] Wawanosh
64th Congress 1st Session
Adam Kiyoshk
Aggie [Sands Mern]
Ahmadallah scribe
Aleck B. of Garden River
Alexander Vidal
Alma Mahler
Amelia Harris
Amelia Weaver
Arthur L. Kiyoshk
Aux Sable Reserve
Barnett, J. Davis (John Davis), 1849-
C. P. Wells
Canadian Travel Bureau
Captain [Brindelaw]
Captain Thompson Wilson, 1791-1872
Cecil Tonkin
Chas P. Wells
Chief [Thihebeihee] and P. F. Jarvis
Chief [Wahgahsashrung] and Chief [Kahgauhnoois]
Chief Telford Adams
Chief Wawanosh
Crichton, Patrick
Cure Recipies
D. G. Thomson
David B. Wawanosh
David B. Wawanosh, Joshua Wawanosh, Johnathon [Naupaligais]
David Wawanosh
David Wawanosh, Joshua Wawanosh, William [Paruahsong], Andrew [Naqeeshig], George [Aishquagonaby], [L. Peualewahquahum]
Dr [Chihuous] of Sarnia
Dr H. D. Wilson
Ed [Edward W. Wells]
Edna J.
Edward McCoonse of Greenwood Franklin Co. Kansas
Ellen Kiyoshk
Frances McCoonse
Frances McCoonse of Greenwood Franklin Co. Kansas
Francis [McCoonse]
Francis McCoonse
Francis McCoonse and [Willaim Turner]
Frank Thomas
Froome Talfourd
General Coucil Notes
George [Bahwahnakke]
George Nardorn
George Whitehouse
Gussie [Augusta] Wells
Gustav Mahler
H. F. Waldron
H. P. Chase
Hellmuth, I. (Isaac), 1817-1901
Henry P. Chase
I Dare Not Venture to Say
Indian Department
Invitation to the Epworth League
J. B. [Chuch]
J. B. [Tagayonini]
J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent
J. P. Mern
J. Smyth
J. W. Keating
Jacob [Mitigoor]
James [Duffy]
James Evans
James Johnson
James Lowrie
James Thomas Johnson of Aux Sable Reserve
Jean [Bajhois] and [Tagayonini]
Jean Baptist [Autagawem]
Jenkins [?]
Jim Louise of Walpole Island
John Haser
John Taylor of Innerkip, Ont.
John Wawagon
John Wawagon, Nancy [Gingno], Alex [Pokagon], Solomon James, [Kuhmahwe], [Bleca Shaakrah]
Johnny [Mern?]
Johnston [Waupuhgais]
Joseph [Tagayonini]
Joseph A. Wood
Joseph Bradley
Joseph White
Joshua Wawanosh
Julia Sands
Justine Rosé-Mahler
Kathleen McIntyre
Lucy A. [Cloud] of Kawkawlin Michigan
Lucy Harris
Marriage Advice
Mary [Chatam]
Mary [Wells]
Mary N. Miller
Mary Wells
Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, 1207-1273
Members of the Sarnian Indian Band
Milly Harris
Minutes of the Indian Council of the Sarnia Reserve
Moore and Wilson Attorneys
Mr and Mrs Thomas
Mrs [Elizabeth] D. B. Wawanosh
Mrs. [Causely]
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Wawanosh
Mrs. Frazer
Mrs. Hill
Newspaper Article
Note Regarding Bright's Grove
Onondaga Longhouse
Owen Wood
P. E. Myres
P. Jarvis
Percivall Pott, 1714-1788
Peter Clark
Peter Jacobs
Peter Jones
Phil [Gruett]
Philip George and Douglas Simon
Pieces of the First Sale Sarnia Reserve
Province of Ontario
R. Bruce
R. J. Peacefather
R. Keats
Rectal Receipt
Residents of Wees' Side Road
Ruby Muriel Carter
S. G. Chesley
S. Rose
Saginau Band
Sarnia Indian Agency Indentification Card
Sarnia Indian Council
Season License for Fishing Station in Upper Canada 1862
Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs
Sheldon Bamwell
Signed on behalf of the Band of Sarnia Reserve
Six Nations of the Grand River
Statement Showing How the [Teameeting] Money was Spended
Superintendent General
Superintendent General of Indian Affairs
T. A. Staul of the Indian Agent's Office
The Chippewa Indians of Sarnia
The Indian Department in Account
The Indian Department in Account with the Chippewas of Sarnia
These Two Men are the Witnesses
Thomas Hassall
Those Who Won Honors Article
University of Western Ontario
University of Western Ontario, President
University of Western Ontario, University Student Commission
University of Western Ontario, University Students’ Council
University of Western Ontario. Faculty of Medicine.
University of Western Ontario. Faculty of Medicine. Library.
Unknown [P. G.?]
Unknown [Tito Velchie?]
Upper Canada, 1862. Special Fishery License, and License of Occupation
Victoria Hospital
W. Tonkin
W. Wawanosh
William Spragge Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs
William Turner of Greenwood Franklin Co. Kansas
William Wawanosh
William Wells