Francis McCoonse to Joshuua Wawanosh, Februrary 1, 1861, AFC 405-S2-F1 Correspondence from Francis McCoonse to Joshuua Wawanosh.
Francis [McCoonse] to Chief David Wawanosh, April 22, 1850, AFC 405-S2-F1 Correspondence from Francis [McCoonse] to Chief David Wawanosh.
Joseph Tagayonini to Chief Wawanosh, July 24, 1844, AFC 405-S2-F1 Correspondence from Joseph [Tagayonini] to Chief Wawanosh.
James [Duffy] to David Wawanosh, October 15, 1840, AFC 405-S2-F1 Correspondence from James [Duffy] to David Wawanosh.
Minutes of the Indian Council of the Sarnia Reserve, 1855-1858, AFC 405-S1-F9 Minutes of the Indian Council of the Sarnia Reserve.
Residents of Wees' Side Road Petition for Gravel Road, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Residents of Wees' Side Road Petition for Gravel Road.
Indian Department Having had to Accept the Will of the Late William Wawanosh, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Indian Department Haveing had to Accept the William of the Late William Wawanosh.
Statement Showing How the [Teameeting] Money was Spended, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Statement Showing How the [Teameeting] Money was Spended.
These Two Men are the Witnesses to Prove That These are the Right Heirs and Grandchildren of the Late Chief, Newspaper Article, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 These Two Men are the Witnesses to Prove That These are the Right Heirs and Grandchildren of the Late Chief.
Indian Claims will be Presented to the US, Newspaper Article, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Indian Claims will be Presented to the US, Newspaper Article.
Wawanosh to the Indian Office, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Correspondence from Wawanosh to the Indian Office.
My Father was a Member of the Walpole Island Band by Unknown, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 My Father was a Member of the Walpole Island Band by Unknown.
Pieces of the First Sale Sarnia Reserve, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Pieces of the First Sale Sarnia Reserve.
Joshua Wawanosh Denial of Other Band's Claims, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Joshua Wawanosh Denial of Other Band's Claims. [ca. 1828?]
Note Regarding Bright's Grove, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Note Regarding Bright's Grove.
Specification of Work to be done for Chief Wawanosh of Port Sarnia, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Specification of Work to be done for Chief Wawanosh of Port Sarnia.
Sarnia Indian Agency Indentification Card for Philip George, No Date, AFC 405-S1-F4 Sarnia Indian Agency Indentification Card for Philip George.
Philip George and Douglas Simon Sale Agreement, June 1, 1945, AFC 405-S1-F4 Philip George and Douglas Simon Sale Agreement.
Canadian Travel Bureau, Americans do not Require Passports to Visit Canada, January 1, 1945, AFC 405-S1-F4 Canadian Travel Bureau, Americans do not Require Passports to Visit Canada.
J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Election Nomination Notice, June 14, 1937, AFC 405-S1-F4 J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Election Nomination Notice. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/aanc-inac/R32-413-1960-eng.pdf
J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Drive Shed Purchase Notice, June 7, 1937, AFC 405-S1-F4 J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Drive Shed Purchase Notice. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/aanc-inac/R32-413-1960-eng.pdf
J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Constable Application Notice, April 27, 1937, AFC 405-S1-F4 J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Constable Application Notice. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/aanc-inac/R32-413-1960-eng.pdf
J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Interest Payment Notice, April 27, 1937, AFC 405-S1-F4 J. C. Trenouth, Indian Agent, Interest Payment Notice. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/aanc-inac/R32-413-1960-eng.pdf
Joseph Bradley to Mrs Julia Sands, February 2, 1916, AFC 405-S1-F4 Correspondence from Joseph Bradley to Mrs Julia Sands.
64th Congress 1st Session Bill H.R 10488, January 31, 1916, AFC 405-S1-F4 64th Congress 1st Session Bill H.R 10488.